Blocks is an exciting addition to REAKTOR 6 and makes programming your own synth very easy. The concept of Blocks is based on modular synthesizers, where you connect individual modules such as an oscillator or filter together, and then control these using modulation sources such as a keyboard, sequencer, LFO or envelope.
Watch the three introductory videos below, where instructor Daniel Herbert from Point Blank Music School outlines the basics behind Blocks, getting you on your way to creating your own Ensemble.
Instruments vs. Ensembles in blocks
Understanding the difference between Instruments and Ensembles is an important starting point for to getting to grips with the structure of Blocks. In this first video, get a firm understanding of the difference between the two, while learning the basic principles of REAKTOR’s functionality.
Creating a subtractive synth
In this video, learn how to create a basic subtractive synth from scratch using a new Ensemble template and adding Instruments Bento Box, Filter and Amp VCA.
Setting up a step synthesizer
In this video, learn how to create a step sequencer in Blocks, and figure out how the 8-step sequencer instrument can be customised alongside an existing patch.