Sound design
Watch: Robot Koch on creating new musical landscapes
In-demand composer, remixer, performer, and producer, Robot Koch provides space-laden sound pack with a collection of one-shot samples and loops…
7 free REAKTOR ensembles for bigger bass
The darkest, heaviest bass synths from the REAKTOR User Library.
The art of DSP in REAKTOR with Vadim Zavalishin
The REAKTOR Core inventor and DSP developer talks about the art of DSP at SRH University of Popular Arts in…
Production tips and field recording sessions with Andrew Huang
Watch Andrew Huang remix an old Berlin air hanger, and share valuable production tips on how to use reverb, and…
Follow your inner signal: A conversation with Georgia Anne Muldrow
The prolific singer, songwriter and producer had a wide-ranging conversation about the challenges of making pop music and the joys…
For the music in you: Our biggest release ever
The next evolution in music making and performance.
Creating atmospheres with Rival Consoles
Get an exclusive look at the deep ambient and electronic producer's cosy London studio…
MASSIVE: past, presets & future
We look back on ten years of MASSIVE to find out why developers, producers, musicians and educators still rate it…
Loic Couthier: Designing engine sounds for WipEout in MASSIVE
Designing the engine sounds for WipEout Omega Collection, the latest installment of the iconic PlayStation racing franchise.
Dissect the preset: MASSIVE – TB Party
Delve deeper into MASSIVE with a closer look at the popular TB Party preset.
Global Sounds, Global Service is now available in your territory. Check out our pick of the best global sounds pack now.
Engineering the sound of fear
The team behind the sound and music of Capcom's Resident Evil 7: Biohazard reveal the techniques and tools that brought…