by Tim Cant

How to produce a tech house track

Tech house is one of dance music’s most popular genres, with its combination of grooving house beats and chugging, techno-inspired bass lines making it a club and festival favorite. With tech house tracks ranging from accessible and catchy to deep and dark, it’s a versatile genre, making it a great starting point for those new to producing dance music.

In this guide we’ll show you how to make a dark, rolling tech house track using Komplete 15 Select Electronic Edition, which includes a range of instruments ideal for making dance genres.

Jump to these sections:

  1. Sequencing a house loop
  2. Creating a lead line
  3. Composing a bass line
  4. Adding atmospherics
  5. Developing harmonic ideas
  6. Arrangement
  7. Mastering


To follow along with this tutorial you should have Kontakt 8 or Kontakt 8 Player with the Progressive Trance Expansion, Feel It and Nacht Instruments, Massive X, Ozone Elements, Replika XT, Phasis and Raum. These are included in Komplete 15 Select Electronic Edition, Komplete 15 Standard, Komplete 15 Ultimate and Komplete 15 Collector’s Editions.


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How to create a tech house track

Most tech house producers use DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software to make tech house tracks. In this walkthrough we’ll demonstrate how to make a tech house track using the DAW Ableton Live, along with instruments and effects from Komplete 15 Select Electronic Edition.

How to structure a tech house track

Tech house tracks are often based around a rhythmic “DJ-friendly” intro, which leads into a beatless breakdown, followed by a drop where the beats and bass kick in. This guide will show you how to make tech a house arrangement in addition to crafting each element.

What makes a good tech house track

A good tech house track features an energetic house beat, an infectious bass line, and some kind of catchy vocal or melodic hook.

1. Sequencing a house loop

Begin by setting your project tempo to a speedy 130 BPM.

Setting the DAW project tempo to 130 BPM

Create a MIDI track, load up Kontakt 8 or Kontakt 8 Player, then click the Leap button to view the Leap Expansions. Click the Progressive Trance Expansion, then double-click Molecolar Kit to load it up.

Loading the Molecolar Kit

Create a four-bar MIDI clip and sequence C4 to play four all four bars. We’ll use a velocity value of 100 for this, which we’ll use for everything in this guide.

Playing C4 for four bars

This will play a beat loop for four bars, and this gives us a rhythm to build a track on.

Set this track to -6 dB to give us some headroom to add other elements.

Turning down the drum beat

2. Creating a lead line

Now we have a rhythm to work with, let’s start adding musical elements. First we’ll add a simple lead line that will help establish our track’s vibe and musical identity.

Add another MIDI track, and again add Kontakt. This time click the Feel It Expansion, and double-click the Faux Organix preset to load it up.

The Faux Organix preset

Set this track to -5.2 dB.

Balancing the Faux Organix preset

Copy the pattern we’ve used here, which plays G3, A#3, and G3 again.

The lead line

This unfussy part isn’t over-complex, but it gives us a musical direction and helps set the tone for the track.

3. Composing a bass line

Alongside the beats, the bass line is the next most important part of a tech house track. We’re going to compose a chugging, techno-inspired bass line that will compliment the beat and lead.

On a new MIDI track add Kontakt, again click the Feel It Expansion, and this time double-click the Praise the Bass preset to load it up.

The Praise the Bass preset

Set this track to -2.2 dB.

Balancing the Praise the Bass preset

Now copy the pattern we’ve used here, which plays G1 on the first, fifth, ninth, twelfth and fifteenth 16th notes of a bar. This pattern then repeats for all four bars.

The bass line

We now have a beat, lead and bass line that give our track a lot of driving energy, but because they’re quite simple, we have plenty of room in the mix for adding more texture, atmosphere, and emotion.

4. Adding atmospherics

Let’s add some atmospheric sounds next to give our track more of an individual feeling.

Create another MIDI track, and this time in Kontakt click the Nacht Expansion and double-click the Cue Riddim preset.

The Cue Riddim preset

Set this track to -8.7 dB.

Balancing the Cue Riddim preset

Sequence this to play G3 for all four bars.

Sequencing the Cue Riddim preset

This gives us a pitched, rhythmic atmosphere loop.

We can help this sit in the mix more neatly with the other elements by adding a phaser effect. Add Phasis to the track, and load the Special FX > Gurgler preset.

The Gurgler preset

Now let’s add a more staccato, stab-style atmospheric sound. Add another MIDI track with Kontakt, and this time select Nacht’s Dark Angels preset.

The Dark Angels preset

Set this track to -8.3 dB.

Balancing the Dark Angels preset

Sequence this to play G1 for a 16th note on the first beat of the first bar.

Sequencing the Dark Angels preset

This preset has a little touch of reverb and delay on it already, but we want to add our own more substantial effects. Click the FX button at the top right-hand corner of the interface to bring up the FX page, then deactivate the Oldverb, Replika and Raum effects by clicking their power buttons.

Deactivating the reverb and delay effects

Now add Replika XT to the Dark Angels track, and load up the Classics > Dubmatic Tape preset.

The Dubmatic Tape preset

Next add Raum to the Dark Angels track, and select the Factory Presets > Large > Arcadia Dream Hall preset.

The Arcadia Dream Hall preset

5. Developing harmonic ideas

Our musical concept is becoming more fully-formed, but it could do with some more harmonic interest. Let’s add some simple synth lines that, while sparse, will make our track more involving to listen to.

First, create a new MIDI track and add Massive X. Click the patch name to bring up the preset browser, click the Synth Misc tag, and double-click the Festival Island preset to load it.

The Festival Island preset

Set this track to -7.8 dB.

Copy this very simple part that plays G3, G3, A#3, G3 and G3.

The Festival Island part

This sound is quite dry and staccato, so again we’ll add some reverb and delay to help bring it out. First, add Replika XT, selecting the Modulation > Boyz preset.

The Boyz preset

Now add Raum, and again load the Factory Presets > Large > Arcadia Dream Hall preset.

The Arcadia Dream Hall preset

Next, create a new MIDI track and load up Massive X. This time click the Mallet Instruments tag and select the Woozle preset.

The Woozle preset

Set this track to -1.5 dB.

Balancing the Woozle preset

Copy the sequence we’ve used here, which gives us some light harmonic interplay with the previous synths.

The Woozle part

Add Raum to this track, and this time load the Factory Presets > Large > Dark Mod Hall preset.

The Dark Mod Hall preset

Now we have a good amount of musical content to sustain listener interest, let’s create an arrangement.

6. Arrangement

Here’s an example arrangement that you can copy.

An arrangement

This uses the formula of starting with a rhythmic, DJ-friendly intro, the segueing into a breakdown which is followed by a drop. The rest of the arrangement focuses on switching up which elements are used every eight bars to keep listener interest.

7. Mastering

We can use Ozone Elements to automatically master our track. Add Ozone Elements to the project’s master track, and the plugin will ask you to play the project back from the loudest part. Click the Start Listening button and play the project back from bar 41, where all the elements play at once. Bear in mind that when Ozone Elements has finished analyzing the project, its volume level will be boosted significantly.

Ozone Elements

Ozone Elements will create a bespoke mastering chain. Set the Target to EDM to focus on getting a big, tight, bass sound.

Targeting an EDM sound

Start making tech house with Komplete 15 Select Electronic Edition

Here we’ve seen how you can make a tech house track with Komplete 15 Select Electronic Edition’s Progressive Trance Expansion, Feel It and Nacht Instruments, Massive X, Ozone Elements, Replika XT, Phasis and Raum from Komplete Start.

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