A beginner’s guide to FM8
Discover the basics, and enter world of frequency modulation synths with this simple tutorial for FM8.
Creating the unexpected with Randomer
Discover how Rohan Walder uses the unexpected, and experimentation to make his unique sounds as Randomer.
How I Made ‘Kotos’ by Mala
Mala breaksdown how he made 'Kotos' from the album Mirrors, released on Brownswood Recordings.
NI Creators: The Black Sketches by LenB
From the creative community comes a series of reinterpretations of the Komplete Sketches series.
Robert Dudzic: How to be the best at sound design
Acclaimed sound designer Robert Dudzic divulges his secrets on recording, effects, and how to break into the industry.
Mark Barrott: The Dice Man
Balearic producer Mark Barrott explains how a random approach to making music has opened up his mindset.
Arad Discusses Blocks and Boundaries
Dara Smith, who records as Arad and one-half of Lakker, showcases his approach to sound, provides a live performance, and…
Top 10 Pivotal Moments in REAKTOR Music History
Explore the history of REAKTOR, and its application in some of the best music of today.
Block Busters: Studio tips for modern musicians
Work through that creative block, with studio strategies from working producers.
Music to Move To: Producing for Movement Therapy
Movement Tracks are pioneering new methods of using music to help patients with cerebral palsy and Parkinson's disease regain the…
How to create Polyrhythms in Techno
Learn how to master polyrhythms using different sequencers and Reaktor 6.
Yves De Mey: Beating The Block
Sound designer and techno producer Yves De Mey discusses how technology helps his creative process.